Pink plumeria (photo)
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- From the day's soundtrack...
- Anonymous: Salterello; Isabella─Alla Francesca; Pierre Harmon; Carlo Rizzo, tambourines & vocals─Istanpitte: Festive Music for the Visconti Court
- Who Needs Sleep?─Barenaked Ladies─Stunt
- Oliver's Army─Elvis Costello
- Five Childhood Lyrics: 2. the Owl and the Pussy-Cat─The Cambridge Singers─Fancies: Music by John Rutter
- Morten Lauridesen: Dirait-on, from the collection
Les chansons des roses─Polyphony, Stephen Layton, conductor─Nocturnes - Radiance Part VI─Keith Jarrett─Radiance
- Street Spirit (Fade Out)─RADIOHEAD
- Change the World─Nellie McKay─Get Away From Me